Hi there! I’m Cristina

I started my career in the corporate world, then switched to non profits, and when I first became a mom I wanted to get it right.

I became a stay at home mom, read every book there was known to womankind, and sought the advice of everyone I thought knew more than I did (which was basically everyone).

I was going to get this parenting thing RIGHT.

I love my parents, and I don’t blame them anymore, but they got a lot wrong. And I was going to be different for my kids.

My kids were going to be healthy and happy. They would feel loved because I would be there for them 100%. They were not going to make sweets their comfort food, or watch TV all day. They weren’t going to go to some cookie cutter school that would force them to sit still and color between the lines.

I felt I was getting a PhD in child development, and the more I learned the less sure of myself I was.

I mean, I was already preparing all the baby food from organic only locally resourced vegetables, but was I blending it too much and therefore decreasing the nutritional value?

Baby number 1 never had an opportunity to cry because I would be there the moment he whimpered. No sense of abandonment for THAT kid. But was I creating a spoiled little brat?

Enter kid number 2 and holy crap, did all the mom guilt come into full play. Did eldest feel loved enough, was I treating thing 2 differently because I felt guilt that number 1 was left alone?

And then my youngest was colicky and he cried ALL THE TIME. And I really do mean all the time.

I was depressed and didn’t know it.

I felt lonely, judged, and the more I tried to get things right the more unsure I became. And before I knew it, out of my mouth came my mother!

The bottom was on a trip to the post office.

It was exactly one block from my house.

I put the two boys in the double stroller and off I went in the summer heat.

The baby started to cry, and I knew that if he started crying it would be another hour so I picked him up.

I tried pushing the stroller while carrying the baby, but my then 1.5 year old started crying because he wanted me to pick him up too.

Before you knew it I was sitting on the sidewalk, all three of us crying, and I thought “if I can’t even go one block without things falling apart, how the heck is this going to work out for us?”

That was the moment things started to change.

I began to question the experts because they said it would work out and it wasn’t working.

I found that being a stay-at-home mom was not working for me but I didn’t want to leave the kids so I became a preschool teacher. I mean, I had all the qualifications after all the studying I did.

And I’ve never looked back.

I went from Wall Street to Sesame Street, and I have been empowering families ever since.

I’ve dedicated the last 15 years to teaching growth mindset to children and to mothers. Inside and outside the classroom.

As my kids grew

I left teaching and became and entrepreneur. My first business was a blog (www.triathlonmami.com)Then came DashStøm Run Clubs where I help moms create a children’s fitness business teaching growth mindset to children through running games and drills (www.dsrunclub.com). That program has grown to over 20 states and we have empowered thousands of children nationwide. To take a woman from being “mom” to “mompreneur” takes a lot of coaching and mindset work and I developed a system to empower them through that transformation.

DashStrøm Coaching

is born from a desire to share this system and tools with more moms … not just those starting businesses. So I looked back at my life, and my clients life, to see where would these tools be most useful and have the biggest impact on families? And it’s in empowering moms to feel confident in their parenting, regardless of what decisions they make.

Today, my kids are older and I live my life 100% by design. In Taos, New Mexico enjoying my family, nature, and our 2 dogs and 2 cats.

© 2021 DashStrom Coaching.